27. 10. 2015 Cancer in the older population of the Czech Republic
Population ageing has become a challenge to cancer care in developed countries. Particularities of the older population must be taken into account when considering cancer treatment. However, there is a lack of consensus on guidelines for this population due to the underrepresentation of older patients in clinical trials.
15. 1. 2014 Personalised invitations of Czech citizens to cancer screening programmes
In January 2014, a project of personalised invitations for cancer screening programmes was launched in the Czech Republic. In particular, citizens are invited to participate in colorectal cancer screening (men and women), as well as breast cancer screening and cervical cancer screening (women). Personalised invitations are aimed at citizens who have not participated in cancer screening programmes in the long term, and therefore are at a higher risk of developing cancer. The project is expected to increase participation rates in Czech cancer screening programmes.
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CyRUS – Cystectomy Registry of the Czech Urological Society

Clinical registry monitoring cases of bladder cancers treated with cystectomy and consecutive treatment.
start projektu: April 2014
Collection of data for a new project guaranteed by the Czech Urological Society - the registry of cystectomies - was launched on 1st April 2014. The project aims to develop a nationwide registry in order to build a representative data background which would allow to assess this area of cancer care. A central repository has been developed for this nationwide collection of data - a registry containing de-identified data from constituent databases, and ensuring central data validation, management, analytical processing and reporting; anonymized reporting of records from individual centres is also involved. The central repository of the system contains only de-identified data which is not provided to any other subject or third parties.
The project is also designed for the follow-up of patients after their dismissal from the hospital. In particular, the follow-up care will be monitored with respect to clinical standards.
Primary objective of the project:
- assessment of health care results, starting with cystectomy performed due to bladder cancer - time to relapse, time to progression, hospital mortality and short-term mortality, overall survival
Secondary objectives of the project:
- assessment of cystectomy incidence and prevalence rates linked to bladder cancer in catchment areas of individual urology centres in the Czech Republic
- assessment of treatment safety, treatment complications
- assessment of supportive therapy
- influence of comorbidities, dealing with them
- building a system allowing a nationwide assessment of treatment in urology centres
Other important information:
- Expert guarantor: Prof. Marek Babjuk, M.D., Ph.D. (Czech Urological Society)
- Partners: 28 urology centres in the Czech Republic (you can find more detailed information – in Czech language only – on the website of the CyRUS project)