27. 10. 2015 Cancer in the older population of the Czech Republic
Population ageing has become a challenge to cancer care in developed countries. Particularities of the older population must be taken into account when considering cancer treatment. However, there is a lack of consensus on guidelines for this population due to the underrepresentation of older patients in clinical trials.
15. 1. 2014 Personalised invitations of Czech citizens to cancer screening programmes
In January 2014, a project of personalised invitations for cancer screening programmes was launched in the Czech Republic. In particular, citizens are invited to participate in colorectal cancer screening (men and women), as well as breast cancer screening and cervical cancer screening (women). Personalised invitations are aimed at citizens who have not participated in cancer screening programmes in the long term, and therefore are at a higher risk of developing cancer. The project is expected to increase participation rates in Czech cancer screening programmes.
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I-COP: Information centre for cancer care facilities

Informational and analytical platform enabling the evaluation of complex aspects of health care provided to cancer patients in particular.
start projektu: January 2012
I-COP is a comprehensive solution providing a structured informational and analytical support for comprehensive cancer centres. It consists of a set of tools and analytical services that are available for all partner health care facilities which have decided to participate actively in the I-COP project. These tools and services are implemented directly in the respective health care facility, based on its administrative and clinical data.
I-COP is based on the principle of interconnection of clinical data (i.e., data from the Czech National Cancer Registry) and administrative data on patients and their treatment in a specific health care facility (i.e., data sent to health care payers). I-COP therefore brings a totally new perspective on the treatment process, making it possible to perform detailed analyses of various groups of treated patients not only from the point of view of their clinical condition, but also from the point of view of economics and administration.
I-COP has been designed as a tool providing informational support for health care facilities which treat cancer patients, with a special emphasis on comprehensive cancer centres.
I-COP makes it possible to relate data on economics and performance of a specific health care facility to a detailed clinical image of treated patients, and to compare the structure of treated patients with reference (i.e., expected) values. The system is therefore able to quantify the burden of that health care facility with cancer patients, and to perform a detailed analysis of structure of these patients, including the analysis of applied therapy.
Based on the mutual cooperation with a partner health care facility, the main objective of the I-COP solution is to build an informational and analytical platform which will make it possible to evaluate the complex aspects of health care provided to patients in the respective hospital; special emphasis is put on cancer patients treated in that hospital.
In principle, the above-mentioned benefits are not limited to cancer care. Other areas of health care provided in a specific health care facility can also be covered; the main limitation, however, is often the non-existence (or rather limited availability) of structured clinical data.
- Partners: the vast majority of Comprehensive Cancer Centres in the Czech Republic (you can find more detailed information – in Czech language only – on the website of the I-COP project)
- Brief overview of results: you can find more detailed information – in Czech language only – on the website of the I-COP EDU reporting
- Blaha M, Janča D, Klika P, Mužík J, Dušek L. Project I-COP - architecture of software tool for decision support in oncology. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2013; 186: 130–134. doi: 10.3233/978-1-61499-240-0-130.