NOP online
ISSN 1802-887X

Excess body weight causes over 124,000 new cancers a year in Europe

At least 124,000 new cancers in 2008 in Europe may have been caused by excess body weight, according to estimates from a new modelling study. The proportion of cases of new cancers attributable to a body mass index of 25kg/m2 or more were highest among women and in central European countries such as the Czech Republic, Latvia, Slovenia and Bulgaria.

The lead author of the study, Dr Andrew Renehan, told Europe’s largest cancer congress, ECCO 15 – ESMO 34, in Berlin today: “As more people stop smoking and fewer women take hormone replacement therapy, it is possible that obesity may become the biggest attributable cause of cancer in women within the next decade.”

Read the whole article at ecancermedicalscience

24. 9. 2009 ecancermedicalscience
