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ISSN 1802-887X

Study supports view that painters face higher risk of bladder cancer

A new study by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has provided further evidence that professional painters may face a higher risk of developing bladder cancer than the general population.

The research team carried out a meta-analysis of data contained in 41 separate studies, including almost 3,000 cases of bladder cancer among professional painters.

Painters are known to be at risk of exposure to some of the same chemicals in cigarette smoke, such as a group of cancer-causing compounds called aromatic amines.

Read the whole article at Cancer Research UK


  1. Guha, N., Steenland, N., Merletti, F., Altieri, A., Cogliano, V., & Straif, K. (2010). Bladder cancer risk in painters: a meta-analysis Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 67 (8), 568-573 DOI: 10.1136/oem.2009.051565

Keywords: blader cancer, painters, occupational medicine

22. 7. 2010 Cancer Research UK
