Description of cancer care in the South Moravian Region
Cancer care is provided by CCC of Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute Brno in cooperation with University Hospital Brno and St. Anne's University Hospital.
The South Moravian Region has not only comprehensive cancer centres (CCC), but also district hospitals, health centres, specialized outpatient clinics, and other healthcare facilities. Relations among all healthcare facilities providing cancer care within the South Moravian Region are represented below in the form of a diagram. You can find more detailed information on individual facilities (which are represented by coloured dots) on the interactive map of the South Moravian Region.
More information on CCC in the South Moravian Region
Click on the title of a selected comprehensive cancer centre (CCC) to display all involved hospital departments or other healthcare facilities.
The following diagram represents relations among all healthcare facilities providing cancer care within the XXX Region. Click on the image to download the full PDF version (700 kB) of the diagram.
Keywords: cancer care, South Moravian Region
17. 1. 2018 Administrator