NOP online
ISSN 1802-887X
national cancer control programme About the NOP On-line project

About the NOP On-line project

The “NOP On-line project” ( is an information website which provides detailed information on cancer care in the Czech Republic as well as information on current nationwide projects of cancer prevention and cancer research.

Dear colleagues and visitors! 

Welcome to the official website of the National Cancer Control Programme of the Czech Republic, which is run under the “NOP On-line” project.

The principal aim of this information gateway is to provide centralized and guaranteed scientific information about the fulfilment of the National Cancer Control Programme in our country. This website provides a clearly arranged and comprehensive presentation of the Czech cancer centres network, involving basic information about each healthcare facility.

The long-term aim of this information gateway is to become a central source of information, which will be closely associated with and cooperate with other important nationwide sources of cancer information and data (e.g., and will make that information available to the public in the Czech Republic and abroad. A special attention will be paid to population-based epidemiological data (Czech National Cancer Registry), to in-process and upcoming projects of cancer prevention (monitoring of risk factors, screening programmes), and to important multicentre projects and clinical trials.

This information gateway is designed primarily for Comprehensive Cancer Centres (CCCs). We believe that the gateway will be helpful for other healthcare institutions as well, for cancer patients and their families, as well as for the professional and lay public.

This project was authorized by the Board of Czech Society for Oncology (COS) and has been running under its auspices. The project is controlled by an expert council which is composed of heads of all involved centres, members of the Board of COS and leading experts in this field. This information gateway is developed by the Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses of the Masaryk University. The Astra Zeneca company is general partner of the NOP On-line project.

We hope that you will enjoy this information gateway. Please contact us in case of any suggestions leading to future improvements.

On behalf of the research team of NOP On-line project

prof. MUDr. Jiří Vorlíček, CSc.
prof. RNDr. Ladislav Dušek, Dr.

Czech Society for Oncology
expert guarantor
of the NOP ON-line project
Institute of Biostatistics
and Analyses

of the NOP On-line website
general partner
of the NOP On-line project

Česká onkologická společnost ČLS JEP

Institut biostatistiky a analýz LF a PřF MU, Brno